be similar to同义词(be similar to是什么意思)

导读 关于be similar to同义词,be similar to是什么意思这个很多人还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1

关于be similar to同义词,be similar to是什么意思这个很多人还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、用法不同:be similar to后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即:be similar to sth/sb be similar with后边只可以加人 ,即be similar with sb.例句:(1)Drop in the earth, down to the river, went straight to the natural away, andChiang Kai-shek peaceful purpose 。


3、(2)I know, I suppose it must be similar to the River-Boca rivalry.我知道。


5、2、是否可以加从句:be similar to后边可以跟从句,而be similar with不可以。

6、例句:(1)To legalize it will be similar to that of horse-racing if this proposal is passed.合法化会相似,赛马如果这项建议获得通过。

7、(2)The core technology of tissue engineering is utilize the suitable seed-cells compound with organic materials to build a cartilage-like tissue in vitro or in vivo, 软骨组织工程的核心技术就是利用合适的种子细胞复合生物材料,在体内或体外构建与人关节透明软骨形态、结构。

8、3、释义不完全相同:be similar with 是某人对什么很熟悉 ,是主动 ;be similar to 是某物为某人所熟知,与...相似 , 是被动。

9、例句:(1)Be similar with economic spatial distribution,the characteristic of populationspatial distribution is spatial centrality.经济的空间分布具有集中性特点,人口的空间分布及演化亦是如此。

10、(2)That would be similar to what apple did with music and the iPod.这听起来与苹果处理音乐和iPod的做法如出一辙。

